Friday 13 April 2012


Words:Adedosu 'kenzy' Adekunle

Following the news that Port Harcourt based singer Duncan Mighty has dumped his long-time friend manager and business partner Blessing Fubaru, both parties have spoken exclusively to journalist, saying there is no misunderstanding between them.

Fubaru who spoke to journalist on the issue said they are still in good terms.

‘I am really trying not to comment on this issue because I represent a company that does not work on falsehood and claims. So if I have to talk, it will be a lot! But he is still my friend and I have to protect his career. It was my decision to stop working, I wasn’t dumped’, Blessing Fubaru said.

Corroborating Fabaru’s claim, a Duncan Mighty rep Eze Okechukwu tells us ’They are not quarrelling. They are like brothers and they have been together from way back. Blessing worked with us from February till December 2011. He left because there was an appointment for him with a commissioner’. Okechukwu is Mighty’s new manager.

Blessing Fubaru who know has a ‘manager’ of his own, a certain Ekene Nweke further explained to NET that Blessing and Duncan are friends from way back.

‘Duncan needed help with branding and imaging, so we decided to help out. We had a good working relationship with him. Duncan needs more time and Blessing is choked with his own activities. No body dumped any one, as there were no legal ties or agreement between them. Their activities were based on friendship and sentiments. People still call Blessing when they want to book for shows with Duncan’, Ekene Nweke explained.

Nweke also pointed out the Chris Aire, Duncan’s mentor <b>‘does not have an involvement with the issue on ground’.

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