Wednesday 11 January 2012


Words:Adedosu 'kenzy' Adekunle

They always rap about getting arrested and having the police on their tracks, but every now and then, some rapper really gets to experience it and recall what the real deal is. It’s the case of Snoop Dogg, who got busted for marijuana possession by U.S. Border Patrol agents. Just another day in a rapper’s life, right?

The incident happened early Saturday, 6 January, 2012.It’s really hardly any surprise that weed and rappers go together so good, particularly when it comes to Snoop Dogg’s lyrics. He hints about that pretty often, but sticking to “Smoke Weed Everyday” track alone will be enough. Well, the famous rapper had to face reality when a drug-sniffing dog uncovered marijuana on his tour bus during a standard inspection.

Snoop Dogg was stopped at a border control checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, a small town in West Texas, the same where Willie Nelson, the country singer, was busted two years ago on a similar charge. Back then, Snoop reacted and railed against the authorities stating that “they better leave Willie the f**k alone”.

According to the agents involved in the inspection, the dog alerted them there was something to check out in a waste basket in the back of the bus. Agents say they found a red prescription bottle with several joints inside and a half-ounce of weed.

Faced with the proofs, Snoop Dogg admitted the marijuana and the joints belonged to him. The statement from the Hudspeth County Sheriff’s office said that Snoop Dogg has “freely admitted that the marijuana belonged to him and he was placed under arrest by U.S. Border Patrol agents and detained”. However, the rapper does have a prescription for marijuana in California, but he forgot that Texas police has really no tolerance for holding the drug on its territory.

Snoop Dogg was issued a citation for misdemeanor drug possession and then released. Authorities in Texas say that the rapper was “cited for possession of drug paraphernalia, given notification of court appearance on/or before January 20, 2012 and released”. It is in wriiten that the Justice of the Peace in Hudspeth County said that “Snoop can resolve the entire matter by paying a $537 fine ... unless he wants to challenge the citation, in which case he can make his case in court”.

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