Friday 23 September 2011


Six years ago when he pop up on our TV screeen, everyone thought he is crazy, but today his crazyness is paying off for him.In this chat with ADEDOSU KENZY ADEDOSU, he reiterates his ‘I don’t care’ opinion on his controversial sexuality. ‘I don’t owe anybody any explanation, they can think whatever they want to think’, he says. His near-broken ties with the urban music channel Sound City also gets Mr Edun talk more...

Words:Adedosu 'kenzy' Adekunle

You were not at the SMVAs, Why?

Sound city is a brand that I adore and still do. I'm still with Soundcity, a lot of people think I've left. Just this weekend, I was in Abuja and I covered face of Selara; I did the red carpet and as usual I was backstage , you guys will see it very soon and just recently I compiled all the international personalities we have spoken to. They showed it on Sunday and on Sunday I went to Marwa Gardens. For the SMVAs, I think I was just looking for attention, maybe. I was sick of the whole Charly boy saga, everybody just kept buzzing me and talking about it. Different men were calling me non-stop and asking me out on date.

I found that very complementary, when you have all kinds of people wanting to do you, there's no big deal in it. I just wanted something. I go everywhere and people are like I didn't see you and I'm like yes I didn't really attend. I think that was the essence basically, just to get people talking instead of them saying the SMVAs was fantastic and the enigmatic Denrele was on the red carpet. I don't even understand myself. Honestly that day I was at home and my sisters were at the event. They didn't understand it in my house because I got my sisters outfit and told them what to wear, how they should wear it. They all just kept wondering what I was doing in the house.

I'm aware you've not been to work for up to five Months, Is this true?

To be sincere, I haven't been to the office in two months. It's not like I want my people to appreciate me or notice me but because I had never gotten a leave all the while I had been working at sound city. I started in 2005 and I never got an opportunity to even stay away for two weeks, I'll be very sincere; I work like a donkey; I work like non-stop, it's not frustrating because it comes with the job but I really wanted a vacation to go and see my mum in Dublin, it never came. Soundcity is the kind of work that swallows you up, you can't have time to do anything else but I just said to myself, I'm a brand and would have to move on; I can't be with Soundcity for ever. I like what Kabello is doing with Channel O but Kabello still has time to do other stuffs.

I just picked that period to make more money and get things done for myself. It was that period I travelled to Malaysia and Dubai to host like 4 shows and I went. If I were at work, I would have said no because work would not permit. So yes I didn't go to work for a while. Also I just wasn't happy at some point, I'm not trying to justify or quantify my input. I appreciate Mr. Tajuddeen for what he has done for me. He was the one who called me in the first place and he's been a very fantastic boss. He cajoles and screams at me. I just wasn't happy with some stuff, I wouldn't lie but no working condition is ever favorable.

What stuff are you doing personally?

My life is a whirl wind, there's a lot that always happens. I'm not those kind of people that form busy, If I don't have anything to do you'll know as I am not a fake person but I am really a busy person. I don't have a personal assistant or manager so I do my things myself, that’s a lot of work on its side. I haven't seen the person with my right kind of energy; I don't like lazy people. Rather than instructing and screaming at someone, I'll just do my thing myself. I've been involved in a lot of fashion shows. I also have regular shows here and there in Lagos. I have shows in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Calabar Carnival; I'm also doing return of Jenifa.

Do you get paid in full?

Yes I am paid in full but the reason why I get called up for shows is because of the relationship I have with people. I need money to survive but I'm not money hungry. I have a family to take care of. People find me very easy to work with because at the end of the day I give them more than they need. The money doesn't have to quantify it, it's the relationship so I always get good references everywhere I go and they call me directly.

Do you still work at Sound City?

Yes I am 60 percent in and 40 percent out, because there are some things that I want done and have always wanted to happen which I haven't seen yet. I don't really want to let it all out because I'm not a back stabber. My input is extended beyond my presentation skills; it's gone as far as human relations and personal relations. I don't want to sit back and say I have a program to do but to say we have this thing coming up, who would bring money and what do we do after this? If I'm somewhere, I like to give my all. I wouldn't even put my mouth where nothing even concerns me. Every working place has its madness; I'm just happy that I've been able to survive. I can't see anything that anybody can do to me right now that will bring me down.

Are you satisfied with your financial status, either with your personal stuff or with Sound City?

I should be doing fine. I'm not extremely rich but I would say I'm comfortable. The thing is if I were living for myself, everybody will be able to see. I don't spend my money on clothes or materials because anything could happen to me tomorrow, but what I'm building is that i'm paving the way for my siblings so that if anything happens to me, they'll know that I did something and that's how I see it. I'm not a futuristic person. I live for the moment and I fly like almost everyday.

How many siblings do you have?

My dad, my mum is not in the country, she's been away for 10 years and she's doing well for herself in Dublin, my grand ma, my two sisters and I'm the eldest

Are you responsible for their education?

I take care of everybody.

What does your mum do?

My mum is a foreigner. We had issues when she was around because my dad lost his job twice. My mum who was a regular house-wife had to start working and she worked very had but she stuck with my dad despite the fact that she's not Nigerian. That sense of independence is one trait I got from her at a very young age. She got a job like twice trying to get him back on his feet several times, so when the time came I decided it was time for her to go and say whassup to her parents. So we got money together and she did go home and I said I'll take care of everybody else because Nigeria was starting to tell on her. She started getting dark. She's in Dublin right now and she's into fashion; she's heading one of Zara stores as the official brand manager.

Do you make all your clothes yourself?

I try to.

When you first started-off, did you have it in mind that you were going to get this Identity for yourself?

I always wanted to express my individuality. I started out on the NTA network show 'Kid Vision 101' but it was when I got into the University of Lagos that I saw clothes from another perspective. At a point I was the shortest, Skinniest and youngest model then. I used to model with Linda Ikeji, Rita Queen back then. I just wanted to be different from the guy next door, so for casting I said why can't people wear this cloth the wrong way; and I didn't have too many clothes at that time.

I had like 3 pair of Jeans that I just redesign and people tell me they love it. I started getting negative recognition, my lecturers would walk me out of class everyday, no bus would want to pick me up, if I stop a bike they'll run. The society was generally negative and the people in the society were also negative, they were not receptive; they didn't want to accept me. At that time I was worried because I wasn't stepping on anybody's toes, why can't they just let me be. So what I said to myself one day when it hit me, they're noticing me and it means what you're doing is right'. I didn't even know who Charly Boy was then because I didn't use to watch TV.

I was into school, the whole modelling thing, making money and trying to build an identity. We had a black and white TV then but I never used to watch it. I met Charly Boy when I started dancing and the first thing he told me was I wish I was your age when I started dancing; it was the most complementary thing anybody had ever said to me at that point.

The only world that accepted me was the fashion world, even if there were a thousand people, they'll pick me up from the crowd. I was the face of Fanta pineapple, Mentos, Hi-malt and so many other brands. Even when MTN came out then, I did the early MTN ad in 2003/2004. So it's not about building identity or generating attention but it’s about being real.

Can you change for anybody?

I can't and I never will. I have worked so hard. I have gone through negative acceptance, rejection, abuses, curses and have been surviving since 2002 when I started building this identity. I will not just give it up now for anybody, I will never. If my parents did not sit me down and lock me up, who is the person that will now make me change?

Were your parents ever against you?

No they were never against me. It was just my family members; my grandma didn't understand what I was doing and she didn't think I was projecting the family image in a good way, but now everybody associates easily with me.

How did the Charly Boy scandal come about?

Honestly, I really don't give a flip. Its’ a controversial agenda, a publicity stunt, Did I truly kiss him? It’s Photoshop. People that see it should make out anything they want to make of it. The thing is we're quick to judge in this country. Its been negative for me because I've had all sort of things said to me, I don't pray that anybody will fall into that situation. It was then I realised I was so strong because I was in Malaysia when I got to know about the picture, many people even sent it to me from USA, Germany and Brazil and for five minutes I was dazed.

I'm not one of those people that let things get into me but it got into me when I Googled it and saw it. It was like people were waiting for that mileage, so I said to myself it’s not everybody you can have like you and I don't owe anybody any explanation in as much as it’s an industry where everybody is looking up to me. I know that when it comes to delivery, I deliver. If I'm asked to do my work I do it well and even more sometimes.

Did you actually kiss Charly Boy?

I'm really not bothered; whether I kissed him or not, they should look at the picture again and see if I did or not.

What exactly happened?

I think the picture came out when I did Charly Boy show. I hosted Charly Boy show 'battle of the gifted' in Abuja with D'banj, Wande Coal and the following morning the picture came out and I wasn't even in the country. I looked at the picture clearly and that hairdo was the first time I ever had coloured extensions on my hair; this was December last year that I had that hair. I hosted the face of sleek show when I got the hair in the showroom at Apapa where I picked up all the colours I saw. The Charly Boy picture was recent.

Are you saying they put the picture together?

I don't know about that. People should just make up their minds on whatever because everybody has been accusing me. People even call me husband snatcher but I just laugh at their ignorance and mediocrity. How would I kiss a married man whose wife and children are still alive? His children are even my age, wouldn't they come and beat me up? Somebody even said Lady D was divorcing Charly Boy because of this. If you look at the two people involved you'll see we don't give a flip or we don't care. I know that I might have hurt people's feelings but I wasn't really bothered about it.

Did you kiss Charly Boy?

I don't know about that. It’s left for you to guess. We have to be as mysterious as ever because if I say it now people will just assume. But people have already formed their opinion, so let me leave them to it. I have not and never going to correct anybody's opinion about me. I'm a very real person although I'm not supposed to be calling out my attributes. I don't want pity or sympathy which is why I'm not saying anything about it. I know all the people that said horrible stuff, we'll start dealing with them one by one when the time is right.

How about all other gay allegations?

I don't give a flip either because I don’t think you should judge people according to their sexual preferences. I have a lot of lesbian and straight friends. I even have people that sleep with animals. I think everybody is equal, irrespective of your status in the society. People have labelled me bisexual, heterosexual, transexual, and all that. If I answer that right now, what's the point in clearing it. I want to be as mysterious as I want to. If I choose to marry someone of the same sex, it’s my business. With the way the picture came out, I'm thinking of the height it can go because I'm happy it is out now. I remember when nude pictures of Eve came out, what happened?

Do you have plans of suing anybody?

That's a waste of time. This is Nigeria not Hollywood where I know I can make all the money in the world. I cannot spend my money unwisely, money that I worked for. If I had something to do with someone of the same sex, I cannot be working in Sound City now because I have a high taste. If I'm even going to engage in illegal activity just for the sake of money, can you see the money on me? People can say what they want to say.

Are you engaged?

I won't deny it; I'm seeing somebody right now. But I'm too controversial for this person and I even feel for this person because she can't deal with all this drama. I'm involved but it's very complicated. She can cope but there's still some buzz here and there. I just tell people that I'm ready to mingle, I'm not searching. I just think that at this point I should just be alone.

How has your relationship with women faired in time past?

My first proper relationship was with Titi at Inspiration FM. We dated for three years. I met her when I was in 300 level at the University of Lagos when I started modelling and I groomed her to become a very successful model. At that point it was a very fantastic relationship even though it went sour in the end. I don't know what happened but that's a relationship I was proud of. Others ones came but I'm a one way person who doesn't get distracted easily, I'd rather be single for years than have somebody to pull me down. Also I don't know how to divide attention. If you can't deal with the madness that comes with it, sorry!

How do you deal with female fans?

I don't mix business with pleasure. A lot of people know me well for that. If we go for shows and we have all the girls following us, if they sleep in my room I'll go to another room. I refuse to be tempted. I believe that what God has given to you on a platter of gold, don't just take it for granted. Just because I'm a popular Vee-Jay doesn't mean I should be sleeping with all the girls that come my way, God forbid! I'm not perfect, I've messed up once or twice but I can count when I was pushed to the wall. I'm very strong. When they come close to me, I'll just sneak and run. Most times when we go for all these shows, I just go to my room. Sometimes some people even get my room keys and wait there for me, but we'll just talk throughout the night; if you touch me I'll bite you.

How did 'Jenifa 3' come about, is this your first time of acting?

No, funny enough I used to act way back. I did Everyday People, Twilight zone and a couple of productions. What happened was that Funke called me and Kaffy up because she wanted to do a dance movie; she wanted us to come and audition upcoming young stars because she wanted to deal with an academy of talented upcoming dancers, actors and actresses.

We had the auditioning at LTV8 but I didn't hear anything from her again, then she now called me up like a month after that when she wanted to do Akorede , the movie where she was ‘blind’. I had to speak Yoruba which I was not very good at, but now my Yoruba is strong. So she told me she wanted to produce The Return of Jenifa and what she wanted me to do but when they were having the script conferences, I was unavailable because I was very busy at that period, but now I'm here; we're on camp and we're shooting.

What role are you playing?

This movie is a showbiz oriented movie, there's a lot happening apart from Jenifa and her madness. There's a world of showbiz that discovered Jenifa's potentials; that is the world that involves eLDee, Omawumi, myself, Kaffy, Dj Tee, Suzzy, Helen Paul and Ruky Sanda. In this movie we're going to shoot a real music video, we're doing a proper show in UNILAG where we'll all be on stage performing with an artiste because it's not just about doing a dance movie, have people rehearsing dances and people doing individual dances. We're knocking it down to the last details, so I'm the official dance instructor. Eventually we get a contract to travel. I don't want to tell you the whole story.

Are you well paid for this?

Why is everybody bothered? You know me already that Funke and I have been friends since my UNILAG days and we stay in the same area in Ebute-metta. I know her mum very well, she knows my dad. She's paying everybody on the set, nobody is doing her favours but we are all supporting her vision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Denrele...pls put a stop to this gothic lifestyle, get married and have kids and all the rumours will stop....

You deserve more than the rumours...stop acting like you don't care because from this interview it shows ur really bothered. Acting like u don't care is a facade...

A honest fan from kidivision 101 days